Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Over A Lunch...

Last weekend, my cousin and I went to visit our uncle. We had already informed our aunt that we would join them for lunch. A lovely middle aged couple with an eye for neatness, beauty and style; ushered us in with great affection.

After a great lunch which consisted of Aloo paratha, Muttar Pulao, Jalebis, Alu Vadi, Raita, we were treated with hot Moong dal halwa. With a cool breeze outside and a hot sumptuous lunch my cousin and her son were seen enjoying a Sunday afternoon siesta.

I sat chatting with my uncle and aunt as they showed me albums of their various tours to Kerala, Uttaranchal, Sri Lanka and so on. Suddenly I noticed my uncle sitting down on the floor in a squat. Strange this was rather strange ........ We all knew he had improved but to this extent!

For more than 15 years my uncle had been suffering from Multiple Sclerosis. He had been loosing muscle and slowly his one leg and one arm had become almost cold and lifeless. Initially what was just a limp had soon worsened. Walking stick and then Callipers were required and the support of Aunt was required even for small things such as Buttoning the shirt or Shaving etc. It was getting bad to worse.

They would go for the regular treatment, one of the best of its kind with some of the very best doctors, but the check up had become a mere routine, the doctor would lift his leg which would fall down lifeless, since uncle had almost lost all sensation in that leg. Doctor would then prescribe the medicine with a few changes and this went on year after year.

One day uncle had been to my parents place, while he was leaving, seeing his condition I could not stop myself from suggesting him about Pranayama and its benefits. I told uncle that early morning around 5 a.m. I and my mother regularly did the Pranayama and it had helped us curing many small ailments, but faith was required. Uncle listened to me, said he had heard about it, but had never given it a try.

Around 5:30 a.m.the next day our phone rang, uncle had called in to check and inform us that he too had got up and started with Pranayama at 5 a.m. I was very happy but remember wondering if he would take it seriously and continue it with the same enthusiasm. A few years later I had heard from my mother that uncle had been doing better.

I had seen him on a few occasions later and his improvement had been noticed, but this visit of mine to my uncle's place had almost been after 8 years and  I had never thought that he would have recovered to such an extent. The way in which he squatted on the floor and even sat in Vajrasana had been stunning.

At 4 p.m. over a hot cup of tea which my aunt brought in I was still wondering. I was really happy to see my uncle so fit and fine. He then recalled and mentioned the day when I had told him about Pranayama, and told me that he had been following it regularly and sincerely since then. My Aunt told me how one day suddenly uncle had noticed that the leg was no longer cold and it had been gaining muscle gradually ever since. What was even more remarkable was he could jump now as well.

I felt that this was worth sharing with everyone, who may have lost hope due to some physical ailment, Pranayama if done regularly and with faith could give such wonderful results.


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