Friday, July 1, 2011

Guiding Our Destiny

We often feel that the external situations are responsible for joys and sorrows in our life. I came across a concept sometime back which made me think about this idea of ‘Guiding our destiny’, or ‘Creating your Destiny’. Some people may ridicule or laugh at this idea but there is a proper science and logic if one is interested about finding out the truth.  
Have we noticed how often we react strongly to an irresponsible behavior from our child, or when our junior repeats the same mistake or when our maidservant doesn’t come on time, to certain situations on road and traffic and so on. Some of us may not express their anger and frustration externally, they may suppress it, still others may swear, murmur, mutter or talk to themselves.
There are many of us who feel sorry about our reactions of anger, hatred, jealousy etc. There are ways and means to overcome these and one must continue on this journey until one succeeds for one’s own benefit. Let me share this concept I came across, which has helped me a great deal:
How to Begin
We begin by becoming aware about what we are thinking this moment and what we are feeling; do nothing about it, just watch.

The Science Behind
Churning the same thought over and again generates a particular ‘Feeling’
Working on the same feeling develops a similar ‘Attitude’
Holding on to the same attitude helps generate a ‘Habit’
Habits good or bad form an individual ‘Personality’
Our Personality governs our ‘Destiny’
As we continuously become aware of our inner world, we unearth the hidden structures which compel us to react the way we do. Slowly over a period of time we start gaining control over ourselves.

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