Saturday, July 2, 2011

Study Or Stress?

My friend Neha called today, she sounded panicky and in some trouble, the reason, she did not know how to help her son Rohan, manage his study. Rohan is a class VI CBSE student and his school is very particular about assignments, projects, activities, apart from weekly tutorials, surprise tests etc.
Should she allow him to play for some time, after his tuition? Rohan wanted to play and also watch his favorite TV program, but so many things needed to be done; it was late evening and he had to browse for his project, complete his school homework and also learn a Hindi poem. Neha told me, she wanted her son to play for a while but, but she had no choice.
How many of us face this situation today? There are many parents and children who go through this stress. Long gone are those carefree days and no competition. I have a neighbor who has a daughter studying in college. The daughter sometimes shares some of her memories with me.  She told me once, how as a twelve year old she went up to the terrace at the top of her building and tore her Maths notebook into fine pieces. The notebook contained a lot of “Incomplete” remarks from the teacher and out of fear and confusion she decided to do this.
Her father Mr. Rastogi was a short tempered person. He would teach Maths everyday and made her finish exercises that were yet to be taught in the school. In the process she couldn’t finish her school homework of Maths. This made her come up with this idea.
She then had to witness an argument over the lost notebook between her father and the teacher on the ‘Parents and Teachers meeting’. After coming home that day, she said, that she had actually felt relieved, about what she had done.
Yet another incident, a father raised his voice reminding the son to study, he gave him a cool look and told “I am used to being shouted at, in the school!  Now, if you too want to shout so be it, I am not bothered”.  The father was stunned….., what could he do?
Let us try and understand, ‘Who is at fault’?

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